Calling Pattern
local m = sl.machine(a[,b])
a is a table of functions b optional, is a table
m is a machine closure
Closure Methods
Example Usage
local s = { initiate = function(h,...) local a = {...} print('initiating '..a[1]) return 'a' end, a = function(h) print('a') return 'b' end, b = function(h) print('b') return 'c' end, c = function(h) print('c') return 'exit' end, exit = function(h) print('exiting') return 999 end, monitor = function(s,h,n,g) if g=='exit' then h[1]=h[1]+1; if h[1]<3 then g='a' end end; return g end, } local h = {0} local m = sl.machine(s,h) local n = m.init('live') print(tostring(n))
--> initiating live a b c a b c a b c exiting 999
Calling machine returns a state machine closure with one defined method, machine.initiate. The first argument, a, is the table of state functions, and b is an optional table passed to each state function upon transition into its corresponding state. If b isn't provided, then b is set to a newly created empty table.
State Function Prototypes
The state table must provide function values for at least two keys: 'initiate' and 'exit'. The initiate function receives the optional argument b upon initialization (or a newly created empty table if it isn't) as well as any variadic arguments from the machine.initiate call, and should the key representing the next state to transition into.
-- initiate function a.initiate = function(b, ...) return 'c' end
A typical state function receives b as its sole argument, and should return the key representing the next state to transition into.
-- a typical state function a.c = function(b) return 'c' end
The exit function receives b as its sole argument, and its return value will be echoed as the return value of machine.initiate if no errors occur during the execution of the state machine.
-- exit function a.exit = function(b) return r end
If the optional monitor function is provided, it receives as arguments a reference to the state function table, the b table, the last state key, and the requested transition state key. Monitor should return the key representing the next state to transition into, either echoing the requested key or overriding it.
-- optional monitor function a.monitor = function(a,b,n,g) return g end
Upon Error
If the described argument pattern isn't matched or the required state keys aren't available, an error is reported and handled according to the operant error redirection mode.