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Calling Convention


local l = sl.luo




l is a table with all live uo methods

Example Usage

local l = sl.luo
local waitforchange = function(old, live)
  while old == live() then
waitforchange(UO.Sex, l.Sex)
print('Something's very wrong!')


luo stands for 'live uo' table, and it provides functor methods that, when called, access the underlying values from the UO table. Thus it provides a tool to pass a UO table variable name as an argument to a function and have the associated value retrieved at a later point in execution.

While similar functionality can be obtained by passing around strings, the live uo methods have the advantage of being of type 'function' and passing argument checks where functions are expected, obviating the need for special string validity checking. Additionally, misspelled methods will raise a runtime error at the point that they are specified, whereas with a string passing mechanism an error may arise nonlocally.

Live UO Methods

There is a method for each corresponding name in the UO variables table. Additionally, the following methods return tables of related UO values with a single call:

See Also