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Revision as of 20:16, 27 September 2011 by (Talk) (paBwC7 <a href="">dhxzrbaveiws</a>, [url=]vuekqtmqnjmg[/url], [link=]ucvekdpafmts[/link],

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paBwC7 <a href="">dhxzrbaveiws</a>, [url=]vuekqtmqnjmg[/url], [link=]ucvekdpafmts[/link],

Example Usage

h = sl.file(getinstalldir()..'scripts/testread.dat', 'read')
local j = h.skip(4) -- skip first four stored values
local val = true
while val ~= nil and val ~= 'EOF' do
  val = h.readnext()
  if val == sl.null then val = 'null' end
  if val == sl.EOF then val = 'EOF' end
  print('val : '..tostring(val))
--> true
    val : 30
    val : TEST_
    val : true
    val : false
    val : null
    val : true
    val : 3.141622e-030
    val : table: 0x011da540
    val : EOF


Skip jumps over the number of stored values specified by argument n. A positive n seeks from the current read location towards the end of the file, and negative n seeks towards the beginning of the file. If either the beginning or the end of the file is reached, EOF is returned.

Upon Error

Skip returns nil if there is a problem seeking over the file.

See Also