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Calling Convention


local o = sl.slverbosity([flags])


flags is a string, valid values: 'off', 'lo', 'med', 'hi'


o is a string, the old value of flags

Usage Example

local sl = dofile(getinstalldir()..'/lib/simplelib.lua')
local o  = sl.slverbosity('hi')
--> med


Set the error and warning reporting verbosity level of the library if a flag argument is specified, and returns the old flags value regardless. Library initializes to 'med' verbosity. Valid flags:

flag  : effect
'off'   Turn error reporting completely off.
'lo'    Errors sent to file only, if redirection so allows.
'med'   Errors sent to file and or output window.
'hi'    Library will raise unhandled exception upon any error,
        stack trace added to error message if logged to file.

Additionally, if error reporting is set to 'hi' and errors are redirected to file, then a stack trace will be added to the logged error message.

Upon Error

Called with wrong arguments, slverbosity records the error and fails silently.

See Also