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Chapter 1. Authoring Guide

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Naming Conventions
EasyUO System Variables
Usage of #sCnt and #sCnt2

Naming Conventions

Sub names must be unique and meaningful. Labels use within a sub should be composed with the sub's name prefixed by an underscore like:

sub openContextMenu
  if %outsideScreen = 1
    goto _openContextMenuExit

Using only the sub's name prefixed by an underscore is acceptable:

sub findItemInContainer
	set %_idx 1
  findItem %1 %_idx
  set %_idx %_idx + 1
  if #findKind = 1
    goto _findItemInContainer

User variables usage should be kept minimal. Variable names should be prefixed by an underscore with the possible exception of variable used to return values. Meaningful variable names are encouraged.

  set %_newCursorX %_cursorX + 40
  set %return %_FALSE