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Latest Appoved Scripts

* Lexia Stats 2.3
Feb-20-15 by Thesius

* Character ToolBox (Multi Shard/Account) 4.03
Feb-20-15 by josephaj

* runebook copier (alpha) 1.1
Feb-20-15 by Kal In Ex

* Kalies Mage Trainer
Jan-30-13 by kaliofls

* CEORailRunner 1.0
Jan-23-13 by CEO

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Hi, I'm new, I want to say "HI" and "You Roxxor!", post where?
  2. Is EasyUO detectable?
  3. Is EasyUO bannable?
  4. After reading the whole FAQ, I still have unanswered questions. What do I do?
  5. If UOAssist or Razor can do it, why can't EasyUO?
  6. How does the EasyUO interface work? What are all those buttons and numbers?
  7. Where can I get OLD versions of EasyUO? For some reason I want one, despite the current EasyUO working with just about every old client version.
  8. How do I run multiple UO clients? (UOXL, "multi-UO")?
  9. Is UOXL detectable?
Presumed Bugs
  1. Why can't I target anything using the #lTargetID variable?
  2. Why doesn't the move command work properly?
  3. The #findx and #findy coordinates don't seem to hit a found item. Why?
  4. None of the status bar variables (#charName, #mana, #hits etc) are working. What's going on?
  5. The system variables #nextCPosX and #nextCPosY don't work for me. Why?
  1. UO has recently been patched and EasyUO is no longer working for me anymore. What's wrong?
  2. Why can't I seem to get EasyUO to work with my client?
  3. EasyUO doesn't work the way it worked before! Why?
  4. On my Win9x/ME machine, I often get the error "Not enough virtual memory available" when I try to start several clients using UOXL. Why is that? Are my virtual memory settings incorrect? Do I need more RAM?
  5. I get some message that my Paths are invalid / not set correctly?
  6. What UO clients does EasyUO work with? Will it work with my Freeshard?
  7. These scripts don't seem to work on my Freeshard?
  8. My character doesn't move correctly? or The movement in these scripts seems broken!
  1. I am too dumb/lazy to write my own scripts. Can you write a [insert type here] script for me?
  2. How do I get started?
  3. What is the difference between object IDs and object types? And how do I find the type if I know the object's ID?
  1. What does F6/F7/F8 through a script mean?
  2. How can I track the values of my own variables?
  1. I am a programmer myself and would love to contribute to EasyUO. Can I join the development team?
  2. I play on a freeshard with the Client version x.y.z. Could you release an EUO version for me?
  3. I have a SUGGESTION for improving EasyUO (or the forums), how do I make it without looking silly or making everyone mad?
  4. Is EasyUO Open or closed source? I'd like to look at the code?
Forum / Board
  1. Board FAQ (posting, php stuff)
  2. What are the Forum rules?
  3. What are my "rights" here to get scripts or complain?
  4. When I download attachments, it's all garbled, without returns/linefeeds!
  5. How do I rate a script?
  6. How do I report or reply to this bogus/rude post?
  7. What is considered rude /inappropriate in Private Messages?
  8. How do I Upload a new attachment version so I don't lose the old downloads count?
  9. How do I post a picture for my script?
  10. I wrote this neat program in some other language, can I post my .exe here?
  11. I want to add a "banner" to the bottom of my posts, and a "signature", what are the rules?
Alexandria Freeshard
  1. How do I log into Alexandria Freeshard? (UOGateway!)
  2. What kind of server/software is Alexandria ("Lexia") shard?
  3. Are any "patches" needed, and will this mess up my OSI setup?
  4. Can I use UOA or Razor or something like that?
  5. What KIND of shard is Lexia--AOS, SE, ML, what?
  6. Is Lexia PvP or PvM?
  7. Are there any special additions to the shard not found on EA/OSI?
  8. Who runs the shard? Who is the staff?
  9. How can I become a GM, or join the staff?
  10. How do I complain about something broken or different from OSI, or spawn problems?
  11. What "commands" do I have? Are there special ones for here?
  12. What's up with the Context menus--colored Total Resist and "Totals"?
  13. Is there a difference between Fel and Tram here, for resources etc.?
  14. Do staff play?
  15. How do I get a soulstone, and is it a normal one?
  16. My house value keeps getting lower or is negative!?
  17. I know this problem has been reported, why don't you FIX IT?
  18. Why is there no Tokuno? When are you going to add it, and ML?
  19. I'm new on the shard, is there a place I can get help?
  20. What's the best way to make gold for new player?
  21. I want to be a good player, what should I read first so I don't ask "stupid questions" already answered?
  22. How do I use SEARCH to find answers to my questions, before I look lazy and dumb?
  23. How does SKILL GAIN and STAT GAIN work here?
  24. Can I do "Unattended Macroing" here? What are the rules?
  25. Who PAYS for all this work? Can I help out?
  26. What is Alexandria all about?
  27. What does "Alexandria" mean, why the name?
  28. Are there other FAQs to read?
  29. How does LUCK and Loot work here?
  30. How do I get GM help in-game?
  31. How can I report non-spawn problems (bugs, exploits)?
  32. Do Factions work?
  33. How many accounts and chars can I have?
  34. My husband/wife/roomie plays from this IP, but can't make accounts?
  35. What client do I need? When I try to log in it says "you will be disconnected in 10 seconds.."
  36. How do I update my client so I can log into Lexia?
  37. Why are Artifacts Cursed? I want to complain/whine about this...
  38. "What kinds of "camping" Doom are allowed vs. not?"
  39. What Champion Spawn differences are there here? How do you spawn "The Harrower" on Lexia?
  40. What is fishing like on Lexia?
  41. How does Lockpicking skillgain work here?
  42. Can I sell Alexandria stuff for EA/OSI gold? Or similar marketing schemes?
  43. Tell me about Lexia Dungeon Chests
  44. I've been told to "read the code" to answer a do I start doing this?
  45. Can we get above 700 skillpoints? Is there some time reward?
  46. Taming -- what is different on Lexia? How do I train it?
  47. I got FROZEN on DEATH, couldn't move when I died, had to log out and back in. Sup??

  1. Hi, I'm new, I want to say "HI" and "You Roxxor!", post where?

    Welcome, thx for your enthusiasm! We have made a special sticky thread just for folks to say 'HI' in, to help keep our forums from getting filled with these posts (35,000 users and counting!), please post such things HERE. This includes all manner of first posts like "Hi", or "This place Rox!" or "Cheffe you rule thx so much!".

    Last update: Tue, Jan 11th, 2005

    [ Back to top ]

  2. Is EasyUO detectable?

    The program itself is NOT detectable (in 99.9% of all cases) since it acts through the client. However, a GM might guess that you're using it, if your script does something faster than it would be possible to do by hand, or if you are obviously running a script. In almost all cases, you are "detected" by other players because you are obvious and do not avoid notice sufficiently! If you do not upset other players and run scripts that do, they/you/GMs will all be happy.

    Last update: Sun, Jan 9th, 2005

    [ Back to top ]

  3. Is EasyUO bannable?

    EasyUO is bannable on OSI shards and most freeshards. In fact, GMs on OSI shards will most likely not even give you a warning but permanently ban you straight away if they catch you macroing unattended, or if you admit using 3rd party software such as EasyUO. NEVER admit that you use it!

    Last update: Thu, Aug 14th, 2003

    [ Back to top ]

  4. After reading the whole FAQ, I still have unanswered questions. What do I do?

    Ask thousands of other EasyUO users, including the all-knowledgeable EasyUO staff on our forums.
    If you have a question that you feel belongs in this FAQ, post them in our Suggestions forum.

    Last update: Sun, Mar 6th, 2005

    [ Back to top ]

  5. If UOAssist or Razor can do it, why can't EasyUO?

    UOAssist, Razor, and EasyUO work in different ways.

    UOAssist/Razor injects itself in the network packet stream and modifies and sends network packets directly to the UO server.

    EasyUO modifies, reads the clients memory and executes code in the clients memory.

    These methods give different advantages, and also different possibilities.

    Last update: Sun, Jan 9th, 2005

    [ Back to top ]

  6. How does the EasyUO interface work? What are all those buttons and numbers?

    Cheffe has written a nice flash tutorial explaining what all the buttons and numbers on the EasyUO interface do. Please read it, think how embarassed you'll be when you post asking how to tell your X/Y coordinates and it's sitting right there...
    Cheffe's EasyUO Interface Tutorial

    Last update: Mon, Jan 3rd, 2005

    [ Back to top ]

  7. Where can I get OLD versions of EasyUO? For some reason I want one, despite the current EasyUO working with just about every old client version.

    Sorry, if you didn't keep old copies of your downloads, you're out of luck--the official download section here contains all "supported" EasyUO versions. If you need an old version despite the current version working with old clients, you may be able to get someone who DID save them to PM you one. However, accepting executable programs from someone via PM is a large security risk, inviting a Trojan virus, and I wouldn't do it myself. Make your own risk assessment concerning your knowledge of the sender.

    Last update: Thu, Apr 21st, 2005

    [ Back to top ]

  8. How do I run multiple UO clients? (UOXL, "multi-UO")?

    EasyUO contains a utility called "UOXL" which allows you to run multiple UO clients. Please read the documentation for full specifics on the commands.

    Start UO then start EasyUO. On EasyUO, click Tools>UOXL>New Client (or New Client from Path if you're using a client in some different path). A new UO client will launch. Now, if you want to have that one running EasyUO also, you can launch another version of EasyUO (there's a button on the first one you can click, or launch it the normal way). Now, you must check to be sure which EasyUO instance is working with which UO instance. In the variables, under Client info, are the vars #clicnt and #clinr. The #clicnt gives the total clients seen, and the #clinr tells which UO instance this EasyUO instance is hooked to. Usually they are both hooked to the first UO when you do this.

    To switch EasyUO to the 2nd UO client, click EasyUO Tools>UOXL>Swap to Next Client.

    Please read the FAQ on "Is UOXL detectable?"!

    Last update: Wed, Jan 5th, 2005

    [ Back to top ]

  9. Is UOXL detectable?

    As of 4 Jan 05, we believe UOXL itself is not detectable. Cheffe has recently stated this. HOWEVER, we believe that in general ALL METHODS of running multiple UO clients on the same machine are detectable! It is NOT a matter of detecting UOXL itself, but of them being able to detect multi-clients. This is likely done manually by GMs, by just looking up information in the TCP/IP or their client datastream, similar to our ability here to see all users at an IP address. A great deal has been written on this topic, please use the SEARCH function if you are concerned. Here is one link with some technical info in it, there are many others:
    Multi client detection/network tutorial thread
    If you are not adept at avoidance techniques, we recommend against running any multiple clients currently, as a GM chatting with you will likely see it. We do not believe it sends a "flag" to GMs, only makes it more likely they will confirm TOS violation once you are flagged by another player for doing something macro-stupid or macro-obvious.

    Last update: Wed, Jan 5th, 2005

    [ Back to top ]

Presumed Bugs
  1. Why can't I target anything using the #lTargetID variable?

    You must set #lTargetKind to 1, 2, or 3. Refer to the EasyUO documentation for more help.

    Last update: Thu, Aug 14th, 2003

    [ Back to top ]

  2. Why doesn't the move command work properly?

    The move command in EasyUO uses the arrow keys, home, page down, page up, end, etc., to direct movement to the UO client. If you have ANY macros set on these keys in UO, or more likely in UOA, then movement (move or pathfind) in EasyUO will not work. This includes ALL "alt/ctrl/shift" combinations with these keys also. Realize that the default settings for UOA DOES have some of these keys mapped! If you don't specifically go into the "keys" tab in UOA and uncheck all these keys, your movement will not work. This is also true with Razor.

    Another common problem is that EasyUO cannot move the character if there is ANY TEXT typed but not sent, like if you typed "Hi Jasper!" in the UO game but don't hit enter. Be sure you don't have a space sitting there, hit enter! And start your EUO movement methods with "msg $" to ensure that the keyboard/game buffer is empty.

    Last update: Sun, Mar 6th, 2005

    [ Back to top ]

  3. The #findx and #findy coordinates don't seem to hit a found item. Why?

    All pictures are actually rectangular. Which means they have a length and a width. Also, the memory of a PC is kind of based on a rectangular model, not to mention your screen.

    Of course, it should be possible to save pictures in a chubby form as well, but that would require complicated routines to save such pictures in the picture memory.

    Therefore, all pictures are squeezed in rectangular boxes. So, what happens if a picture (e.g. a fishsteak) is round? Are there rectangular frames around the steak?
    No, of course not, because all pixels which shouldn't be displayed (so all the ones around the steak) have a special color (e.g. pink). When the display routine tries to display the picture, it will only copy the NON-pink pixels onto the screen.

    The client will always start in the upper left corner when it copies pictures to the screen, because this is the first position in memory and it can process each line of the picture sequentially. Therefore, it makes sense to start positioning the images in the upper left corner, because that the easiest way for the computer.

    Here's an example for the image of a fish steak.
    Now, if findItem tells you that the steak is positioned at 123/456, it means this is the upper left corner. But if you want to hit the steak you'll have to move a few pixels to the right and the bottom; and that's what #findMod is for. For example, a #findMod value of 26_4 will add 26 to #findX and 4 to #findY, and thus hit the fish steak right in the middle.

    How to find out the necessary adjustment? You can use this script to help you find it.

    However, all of this is seldom required now! Instead, you can "use" the item by setting #lobjectid to the item's ID, then using event macro 17 0 (use last object) to "use" the item. In some cases you may need to actually "click" on something, but seldom.

    Last update: Sun, Jan 9th, 2005

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  4. None of the status bar variables (#charName, #mana, #hits etc) are working. What's going on?

    For these variables to have a value the status bar must be open. You can do this programmatically:
    if #mana = N/A
    event macro 8 2
    wait 20

    Last update: Thu, Aug 14th, 2003

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  5. The system variables #nextCPosX and #nextCPosY don't work for me. Why?

    There's an UO option that says "offset interface windows rather than perfectly stacking them". If you enable that, then #nextCPosX and #nextCPosY will work again.

    Last update: Thu, Aug 14th, 2003

    [ Back to top ]

  1. UO has recently been patched and EasyUO is no longer working for me anymore. What's wrong?

    EasyUO has to be updated for each new client version. This will take some time but mostly no longer than a few days. Please do NOT ask on the boards when the new version is ready. Refer to the Patch Status box in the news section to get an ETA for the new version.

    Last update: Thu, Aug 14th, 2003

    [ Back to top ]

  2. Why can't I seem to get EasyUO to work with my client?

    Are you sure it's really a version problem and not something related to a script or its setup? Normally, a little popup window should notify you if there is a version conflict.
    1. Click Help | About in the menu bar to check which client version your EasyUO will work with.
    2. Are you using the 2D client? The 3D client is not supported.
    3. If OSI patched recently, it may be that there is no new EasyUO version, yet. Stick with the old client and the old EasyUO version (in other words: Don't patch until you really need to). If you've already patched you can still try to get the old client.exe file from someone else (but don't post or request a link on the boards! You can do that via private messages or ICQ) or reinstall UO and interrupt the updating process at the right moment (tricky!). Always keep a backup of your client!
    4. If you think that parts of EasyUO don't work properly then check if a new version has been released. Maybe the bug has already been fixed meanwhile. See the CHANGELOG for details about latest updates and changes.
    5. If you are still encountering errors, search the board and if you find nothing then ask nicely. It helps if you provide your UO client version, EasyUO version and the build number (also to be found in the Help | About menu).

    Last update: Thu, Jul 22nd, 2004

    [ Back to top ]

  3. EasyUO doesn't work the way it worked before! Why?

    Have a look at the CHANGELOG. If you think that a new "improvement" has unwanted effects or doesn't work properly then leave a note in the Suggestions forum. It helps if you provide version number, build number and OS version you are using.

    Last update: Thu, Aug 14th, 2003

    [ Back to top ]

  4. On my Win9x/ME machine, I often get the error "Not enough virtual memory available" when I try to start several clients using UOXL. Why is that? Are my virtual memory settings incorrect? Do I need more RAM?

    Scientific explanation:

    UO accesses its MUL files by using a technique called memory mapping. If you map a file into an address space then that doesn't use up any memory at all. Why? Because whenever a program tries to access the (non-existent) memory in that address space it gets rerouted and the corresponding junk of the file on the HD is being accessed instead. So, you are not running out of memory but out of free address space. Since Windows 9x/ME has only 1 GB of available address space for file mapping (for all apps) and UO needs about 500MB you can barely run two clients using a normal multi UO tool, maybe not even two if the address space is already fragmented by other programs (which is why rebooting might help). There's no multi UO tool other than UOXL that allows you to run 3 or more UO clients on a 9x/ME machine. UOXL modifies the clients in such a way that they access the same file maps (which are all read-only anyway). But this only works if you start all of the clients with UOXL.

    Simple answer:

    It's because the memory management of Win 9x/ME is crap. You won't have that problem if you switch to Win 2K/XP because every application gets its own 1GB of address space. Changing your virtual memory settings or adding more RAM won't help at all. If you want to keep your Win 9x/ME system all the same then you have to...

    1. start all clients using UOXL which will consume only 500MB of address space but won't allow you to run UOA.

    2. start the first client using UOA and all following clients using UOXL which will consume 1GB of address space and thus might just work or make problems.

    If you use method 2 and get problems then try rebooting your machine. It might help avoiding address space fragmentation caused by other programs. It's also likely that newer clients (4.x.x) use slightly more than 500MB of address space which might make it impossible to use UOA and more than one client at the same time on any pre-2K system.

    The UOA problem could be solved if UOXL had a file write mode but that is not planned because most users have already switched to more recent operating systems.

    Last update: Fri, Dec 19th, 2003

    [ Back to top ]

  5. I get some message that my Paths are invalid / not set correctly?

    The latest versions of EasyUO are preparing for increased security and better organization of your EasyUO environment which requires the setting of certain "paths". For non-computer folks, "paths" are the series of folders it takes to get from your main hard-drive to where certain EasyUO scripts are stored, like "C://games/UO" might be the "path" to where you have UO installed. If your paths are blank you will see a pop-up message telling you your paths are invalid. EasyUO will continue to work if these paths are blank. And while this pop-up seems self-explanatory some are having problems as to exactly what to do. CEO wrote a tutorial with pictures telling you exactly what to do:
    Tutorial on setting your EasyUO "Paths"

    Last update: Mon, Jan 3rd, 2005

    [ Back to top ]

  6. What UO clients does EasyUO work with? Will it work with my Freeshard?

    Open up EasyUO. Click Help, then About. A list of the supported clients pops up. If the client your freeshard uses is not listed, then you will be unable to use EasyUO, or portions of it at least. Please check with folks on the Freeshard forum and other folks on your shard to see what will work.

    Last update: Mon, Jan 3rd, 2005

    [ Back to top ]

  7. These scripts don't seem to work on my Freeshard?

    Remember, many of the commands currently in EasyUO are NOT SUPPORTED on older clients! Pre-AOS clients do not support properties, therefore the #property and event property in EasyUO don't work. Many (most) scripts now use these features, and thus will NOT work correctly on some older freeshard clients! It is up to YOU to be smart on YOUR freeshard, and realize what will work or not. Generally if you play an older freeshard client, you must learn enough EasyUO to modify all the scripts you use a bit.

    Other things that may not work are any "speech" commands to NPCs and animals. On RunUO clients in particular, NPCs and animals/pets do NOT respond to "whispered" commands (event macro 3 0), while on OSI clients they do. Since whispered commands are vastly less noticeable to other players, virtually all good scripts for EA/OSI clients will whisper all speech. You must change these commands from event macro 3 0 to event macro 1 0, or event macro 4 0, or "msg blah $".

    Lastly, many item "types" are different on freeshards than on OSI shards, so freeshard players must change these! Here's a tutorial I wrote explaining all about this absolute requirement for freeshard players:
    How do I set up item TYPEs and IDs in this script?

    Last update: Tue, Jan 4th, 2005

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  8. My character doesn't move correctly? or The movement in these scripts seems broken!

    EasyUO uses the arrow keys, home, page down, page up, end, etc., to direct movement to the UO client. If you have ANY macros set on these keys in UO, or more likely in UOA, then movement (move or pathfind) in EasyUO will not work. This includes ALL "alt/ctrl/shift" combinations with these keys also. Realize that the default settings for UOA DOES have some of these keys mapped! If you don't specifically go into the "keys" tab in UOA and uncheck all these keys, your movement will not work. This is also true with Razor.

    Another common problem is that EasyUO cannot move the character is there is ANY TEXT typed but not sent, like if you typed "Hi Jasper!" in the UO game but don't hit enter. Be sure you don't have a space sitting there, hit enter! And start your EUO movement methods with "msg $" to ensure that the keyboard/game buffer is empty.

    Last update: Mon, Jan 3rd, 2005

    [ Back to top ]

  1. I am too dumb/lazy to write my own scripts. Can you write a [insert type here] script for me?

    The main purpose of the boards is to teach you how to make your own scripts. If you are not willing to learn then most people will not help you.

    Last update: Thu, Aug 14th, 2003

    [ Back to top ]

  2. How do I get started?

    You might want to start in the following order:

    • Beginner tutorials: Written by other users, tutorials for beginners will teach you the EasyUO basics in short time by explaining commands and variables and making examples of how to use them in scripts.
    • EasyUO documentation: Read about other commands and variables that might be of interest and that weren't covered by tutorials.
    • FAQ: Hey, you're already reading it! It'll help to answer questions that come up frequently.
    • Start writing your own scripts. Something easy at first is advisable. Ask on the boards if you're stuck somewhere and need help. Sometimes it also helps if you look at other people's scripts and see how they solved a particular problem.

    Last update: Wed, Jan 5th, 2005

    [ Back to top ]

  3. What is the difference between object IDs and object types? And how do I find the type if I know the object's ID?

    Value-wise, types consist of 2 or 3 letters (e.g. EWH) whereas IDs require something between 5 and 7 letters (e.g. ZQRVEGC). All objects of the same type (e.g. apples, daggers etc.) share the same object type but each individual item has it's own unique object ID. Most of the time, an object's ID and type can be determined by double clicking it and looking at the #lObjectID and #lObjectType variables. In cases where this is not possible (e.g. poison potions, creatures of all kinds, items that get destroyed when double clicked) you can use the following script:
    set #lTargetID X
    set #targCurs 1
    set #lTargetKind 1
    msg /Please target the object$
    if #lTargetID = X
    goto N1
    msg /ID is: #lTargetID $
    findItem #lTargetID
    msg /Type is: #findType $

    Last update: Thu, Aug 14th, 2003

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  1. What does F6/F7/F8 through a script mean?

    It is a method of stepping through a script so that the line you are currently on is the line that is playing in the UO window. It is a very useful way to find problems when a script will not work for you, or when you are in the debugging process.

    Last update: Wed, Jul 7th, 2004

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  2. How can I track the values of my own variables?

    Go into the menu "View-Variables" and activate "User defined". Then go to "View-Variables-Define..." and you can make your own variable list. (You can use all variable types.)

    Last update: Thu, Aug 14th, 2003

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  1. I am a programmer myself and would love to contribute to EasyUO. Can I join the development team?

    Although EasyUO is a free program, it is NOT open source software. Cheffe is currently the only programmer and there is no team. However, plug-in support is planned for future versions of EasyUO which will make it possible for you to contribute external code that will automatically be integrated into EasyUO.

    Last update: Thu, Aug 14th, 2003

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  2. I play on a freeshard with the Client version x.y.z. Could you release an EUO version for me?

    Currently EasyUO supports a number of freeshards clients that covers about 95% of all clients used. There are no plans to include more clients.

    Even if your freeshard uses a client not supported by EasyUO, there is still a chance that you might get another (supported) client to work by using the 3rd party tool Injection.

    Refer to our freeshards board for more information.

    Last update: Thu, Jul 8th, 2004

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  3. I have a SUGGESTION for improving EasyUO (or the forums), how do I make it without looking silly or making everyone mad?

    We have a special forum just for suggestions for EasyUO, or for the forums themselves. You must realize that Cheffe reads the suggestions, and when you post an "EasyUO suggestion", you are sending a direct message to Cheffe about what you think he should do to improve his program. Think how totally silly you will look if Cheffe has already answered your exact same suggestion 15 times? Think how irked it must make Cheffe to have some newb show up telling him what to do, and not even taking the time to RESEARCH it all first? Even if you have no shame, I Roadkill will be embarrassed for you, and you'll probably take some unwanted but deserved heat. Fear not though! There is a sticky thread on the suggestions forum that says "Read this before posting" where we have tabulated and linked to most previous suggestions and their status to help you research. If after reading that post you don't find your idea, then please do a SEARCH on the suggestions forum for your idea.
    If you still find nothing, then ask yourself if you can already accomplish the task with the tools Cheffe has given us, relatively simply. Cheffe expects YOU to solve scripting problems with the tools he gives you, not ask him to give you a 5-line saving tool. If your suggestion is not a silly request to shift simple scripting tasks onto Cheffe, then post your suggestion stating you've read the sticky and searched first.
    While we appreciate your ideas and suggestions, it is annoying for Cheffe to continually address and answer the same suggestions over and over--please be courteous and thorough.

    Forum suggestions are generally implemented by ScriptFellow. The same rules apply for forum/web/php improvment ideas. Remember these guys do this for free on their family time... don't ask for silly things.

    Last update: Tue, Jan 11th, 2005

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  4. Is EasyUO Open or closed source? I'd like to look at the code?

    EasyUO is CLOSED source.

    Last update: Fri, Apr 8th, 2005

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Forum / Board
  1. Board FAQ (posting, php stuff)

    There is also a "Board FAQ" the link is just below and to the left, which contains the normal FAQ for this php-powered bulletin board. We've tweaked it slightly. Read that for other FAQs on posting etc. on the forums:
    Board FAQ

    Last update: Mon, Jan 3rd, 2005

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  2. What are the Forum rules?

    Here is a link to the official forum rules. This is not all-inclusive, general good manners and common sense also apply:
    EasyUO Forum Rules

    Last update: Mon, Jan 3rd, 2005

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  3. What are my "rights" here to get scripts or complain?

    This program is written by ONE GUY, Cheffe, on his free time, for free, freely given out. This forum is built, hosted, maintained, and moderated by volunteers, using their own time and resources, freely given for appreciative folks to use. These scripts are written by folks for free, on their free time, freely given out... It's THEIR intellectual property, and they are generously allowing you to see it. It's NOT your RIGHT, you don't "deserve it" to "even the playing field" or some other misguided "what's yours is mine" BS. Treat these people with the gratitude and respect they deserve for being a generous person who is allowing you to use the fruits of their hard work, which they could have kept nicely for themselves.

    We will accept constructive criticism to help improve the scripts, forums, and EasyUO. Disrespectful and thankless comments will be rewarded with warnings etc. Poorly thought out and un-researched or just plain wrong suggestions/comments will likely be met with the somewhat scornful reply they deserve--don't get upset, just do your homework next time before you tell someone else how to fix their program/forums/scripts. Everyone loves good, well-thought out constructive criticism... and everyone dislikes foolish suggestions from those who don't know what they're talking about...just like you do. Don't be that guy.

    Last update: Mon, Jan 3rd, 2005

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  4. When I download attachments, it's all garbled, without returns/linefeeds!

    There are several causes of this. The most likely is that you are using Windows XP, Service Pack 2. There were changes made to XP sp2 which make text files download without the carraige return normally found in windows files (carriage return + linefeed in windows, just linefeed in UNIX). Generally if you right click the file, and select "Save As" or "Save Target As", it will save correctly.

    However, sometimes when you open it up it will STILL be garbled with no returns in it, usually if you view the file with Notepad or InternetExplorer. You can usually select the text, and copy/paste it into the EasyUO text window and it will show up correctly (readable, working). Alternately, you can just open the file with EasyUO. Textpad (a great text editor for scripting) or UltraEdit will also display the garbled files correctly.

    If you are WRITING and posting files using XP sp2, be sure that you save the files in "PC" format (CR + LF) rather than UNIX format (LF only), which will cause them to display messed to other folks when they download them.

    Last update: Mon, Jan 3rd, 2005

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  5. How do I rate a script?

    Tutorial on Rating scripts by CEO

    Last update: Mon, Jan 3rd, 2005

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  6. How do I report or reply to this bogus/rude post?

    You have two tools to handle rude posts, or posts that you notice violate forum rules.
    The first is the blue card.
    Did you just find a post that is out of place? Is it in the wrong forum? Is it inappropriate? Well rather than waste time telling the poster about it what you need to do is 'Blue Card' it. Don't know what a 'Blue Card' is? If you look at the title of the post, you'll see a couple buttons, one says 'Quote' and the button to the right of that is square, blank and BLUE! When you find a post that needs reporting just click the Blue Card button, you'll get a pop-up confirmation box, click 'OK' and the post will be brought to the attention of all 7 moderators ensuring that it will be taken care of immediately, if not sooner. Warning!--don't report posts incorrectly/for no reason, or you will be the one getting hammered.

    The second tool is silence.
    When used along with the blue card, silence is a powerful ally. By not posting in an inappropriate thread you are saving resources, you are saving time, and you are saving yourself from looking like a jerk. It does the poster no good for you, as a non-mod, to recite the rules of EUO. If you're not a moderator, then don't moderate. Even if you know that the poster has done something wrong and you know the exact way it should have been done, chances are great that the poster will look at you in a negative light for trying to act better than them, and the rest of the community might just follow suit.
    Moderating is a tough job, especially here, but it's not an open role call when it comes to who wants to mod and who does not. If you really want to help the community then use the tools provided. Blue cards and self-moderation are the best tools you can use to keep our forum clean and efficient.

    Last update: Mon, Jan 3rd, 2005

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  7. What is considered rude /inappropriate in Private Messages?

    The Use of "Private Messages": There is a place for private messages, but it is rare. It is considered rude to "PM" a person you don't know at all, asking for help. If you do it, you BEST be very polite and respectful, and indicate that you understand how valuable someone elses time is to give you a private answer. Do NOT PM someone asking for help on their script unless they tell you to. This is RUDE and NOT APPROPRIATE usually. It makes the person write a complex answer that just you can see, instead of everyone else who might have similar questions, and it is greedy. Ask your questions in the script's thread, AFTER having read the whole thread looking for the same question or an answer, and AFTER having used the SEARCH function to look for an answer. Absolutely do NOT PM multiple people with the same question, there is probably nothing which will make a scripter feel you belittle them and their precious time as when you post the same question to someone else, as if their answer wouldn't be good enough... of course they usually don't know until AFTER they've wasted their time on you. And under no circumstances ask someone in a PM for some information that you THEN ask for in public. Remember: a PM is usually you demanding a private lesson because you don't want to take YOUR time to read the thread or use the search or learn EUO, and you think THEIR time is worth less than yours so they can just answer you privately. Enough said?

    Last update: Mon, Jan 3rd, 2005

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  8. How do I Upload a new attachment version so I don't lose the old downloads count?

    Ricky has written a guide on this with screenshots--although the Board FAQ has info on this, and there are instructions on the edit page, it is really not intuitively easy and can be messed up quickly. Here's the way to do it: [Upload New Version] Tutorial by Skyttl3

    Last update: Mon, Jan 3rd, 2005

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  9. How do I post a picture for my script?

    First off, I dislike pictures/links to outside servers, though it is common. It forces users to hit many servers to get silly banners hosted all over, and usually results in them getting cookies and even javascript crud, just to see your off-site pic posted on some ad-spamming "free host".
    Pictures can be uploaded as attachments, and they will display. However, you can only have 3 attachments in a post. Also, when uploaded as an attachment, the pictures will have an "attachment box" around them, which may not look so good.

    Here is another method. Open up your Inbox, for PMs. Now, send yourself a message, and in that message, insert an attachment of the image file from your computer. You can then open up the message (never delete it), and right click on the image, select "properties", and you can copy the "url" of the image where it now resides on the EasyUO server. THIS url can now be pasted into other posts, and surrounded with [img ] [/img ] tags (just highlight the url and press the img button on the edit page. Lastly, to comply with the scriptbit system, you need to tweak the url a bit. If the link in your post is:
    then you need to add "&.jpg" to it to be seen:
    [img][/img] That's it!

    If you don't know how to get the image to start with, you'll have to take a screenshot of the EasyUO menu or UO window by making it the active window, pressing ALT+Printscreen, then opening your favorite image-editor and pasting the image into it. You can save it in either .jpg or .png (I vastly prefer .png for clarity of menus and size).

    Last update: Mon, Jan 3rd, 2005

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  10. I wrote this neat program in some other language, can I post my .exe here?

    No, you may not post executables here. We do not allow .exe files, or any non-txt file really. Even posting a link to an executable is generally not acceptable. We will not allow anything to develop where users here begin to follow outside links and expect to get OK scripts. 99% it's fine, but the evil 1% ruins everything.

    The distribution of compiled code is something that Cheffe repeatedly has said he's against, for good reason. They can not be inspected for safety. EasyUO is a SCRIPTING ENGINE. It runs scripts, text files you can openly read. This is a site for EASYUO, not C++ or VB. Some consideration at all of computer security should lead you to realize distribution of compiled code is a total bomb waiting to go off. We MAY allow you, after contacting the Moderators with a request and reasoning, to post a link to the SOURCECODE, held offsite, and instructions on making it work. This will be up to our discretion.

    NOTE TO EasyUO Users: NEVER "allow Execute" EVER to run an executable file (.exe, .com, .bat etc.) that you did not get from an absolutely reliable source who you trust with your computer, hard-drive, and accounts. The gaming community is too rife with nice-seeming code-savvy folks who will absolutely take advantage of you with no remorse. Be smart.

    Last update: Wed, Feb 9th, 2005

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  11. I want to add a "banner" to the bottom of my posts, and a "signature", what are the rules?

    First, realize that banners can degrade the forums. They add load to the server, slows down download/reading of the forums, make people wait on your silly picture, and often force people to accept javascript and cookies from off-site hosts. Please consider the delay/damage you do the forums before adding some big eye-candy spam-banner and hosting it on some Ad-spamming "freehost".

    A signature is a little text that can be added at the bottom of your posts. It's limited to 1000 characters on 10 line(s) and as many images as you want but none can exceed 150x640 pixels, for a maximum of 25Kb. In your text, no more than 100 characters without space too.

    Please pay attention to where you host/post your banner images... don't force people to accept cookies and spam javascript crud to view your image on some "freehosting" Ad-spamming site.

    Banners and signatures in poor taste or violating the rules if you had "written it" will not be allowed.

    Last update: Sat, Feb 12th, 2005

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Alexandria Freeshard
  1. How do I log into Alexandria Freeshard? (UOGateway!)

    You connect to the shard using a freeware program called "UO Gateway" available at
    Download and install UOGateway. This is just a simple program that AUTOMATICALLY sets things your UO files correctly to login to a freeshard, WITHOUT messing up your EA/OSI logins--you don't have to do anything different. To login to a freeshard, you launch UO by doubleclicking your UOG (UO Gateway) desktop icon, to login to normal EA shards, you just start it up normally via UO or UOA or whatever you use.

    When UOG launches, you will see several tabs (my Servers, Public Serverlist, NewLocal Server, Settings). Click SETTINGS tab and set it up like this:
    Client: NoneAge of Shadows 2D (or whatever you have)
    Install optional patch: NoYes
    MultiUO: Yes
    Close UOG after client launch: Yes
    Lower client priority: No
    Skip client intros: No
    Force download (no cache): No
    Ignore download errors: No
    Razor: Yes (if you use razor, this is how Razor is launched-- DON'T try to launch UOG or Lexia shard via razor)

    Now click the tab at top "PublicServer List", and scroll down until you see one called "Alexandria". Click on the name where it says "Alexandria" and you will be taken to the "My Servers" tab, where "Alexandria" will now have been added.

    Click on the "Alexandria" on the My Servers Tab, and UOG will launch your UO client (and Razor if you use it).

    Now, to log into the Alexandria Shard, just make up an Account Name and a Password (DO NOT use your OSI/EA ones!), and click the arrow like normal. Your account will be automatically created on the shard.
    Welcome! We allow you to make two accounts only, and track your IP to ensure this. We will delete any extra ones you make.

    Last update: Sat, Dec 10th, 2005

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  2. What kind of server/software is Alexandria ("Lexia") shard?

    Lexia is a RunUO shard, you can find out more about this software here:
    RunUO is written in C# using the .NET platform.

    Last update: Sat, Dec 10th, 2005

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  3. Are any "patches" needed, and will this mess up my OSI setup?

    NO! Lexia has NO PATCHES, we use exactly the OSI/EA client you get off the disk and EA updates. Playing on Lexia will in no way mess up your OSI gameplay, you can log out and in to either merely by clicking your different icons (UO vs. UOG).

    Last update: Sat, Dec 10th, 2005

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  4. Can I use UOA or Razor or something like that?

    YES. You can use Razor, which can be downloaded and read about here:
    Razor is like UOA, but with an extra 5 years of development without someone saying "No" to good ideas. I use both, and prefer Razor at all times now, even on EA shards. HOWEVER, Razor is NOT a "UOPro" or EA/OSI approved application, and thus is considered "3rd party application" by EA. You can use UOA with EA shards by launching via your UOA icon, and Razor with Freeshards by launching via your UOG icon and setting "Razor: yes" on your UOG settings tab.

    Lastly, there are many UOA style clones written in EasyUO itself, look in the PSL under UOA Clones.

    Last update: Sat, Dec 10th, 2005

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  5. What KIND of shard is Lexia--AOS, SE, ML, what?

    Alexandria shard matches the EA distribution pre-Samurai Empire, and includes AOS. We have not installed the Tokuno or SE changes, nor Mondain's Legacy. The base shard is essentially EA/OSI. However, we have added on top of this some really great things, such as "Instanced Thief System" which allows you to steal from monsters, SeaChamp Spawn, numerous Quests, a class of artifacts available only via stealing from monsters, a wild mutating/changing dungeon called "Confusion", a whole class of enemies to fight of Witches and Decayed Legion, and many complicated solo brain-teaser quests.

    Last update: Sat, Dec 10th, 2005

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  6. Is Lexia PvP or PvM?

    Lexia is primarily PvM, but PvP does exist--it depends on if you want to fight anyone! Generally about 30% of the population is in Felucca, and some guilds are order/chaos, so you can find folks to fight if you desire. But you can certainly exist only in the Tram ruleset also, and there is a large population of PvM/Doom/BOD folks.

    Last update: Sat, Dec 10th, 2005

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  7. Are there any special additions to the shard not found on EA/OSI?

    YES! We have some truly fantastic things including:
    TurboSlots-- by CEO, the best slot machines in the UO world, bar none! Many themes, and a great Casino to play in--totally addictive!
    Solo brain-teaser Quests by Roadkill-- a combination of Myst and Unreal, they take cunning and dexterity to succeed, with great rewards!
    The Decayed Legions (Witches etc.) by WarLocke, continuing storyline with RPed characters, a dungeon committed to them, and a new Champ Spawn.
    Instanced Thief System-- allows you to steal from monsters! THE BEST SYSTEM for Thieves to get out and PLAY in the UO Universe!
    Stealing Artifacts-- part of the ITS system above, include deco items as well are clothing/weapons, some neat things.
    Confusion Dungeon--From the twisty mind of Nilmer, a constantly changing dungeon that mutates as you stand there! A huge challenge with humor and laughs while you die!
    Sea Champ Spawn-- fight a unique Champ Spawn on the Water, riding a SeaHorse, and fighting new creatures and Mermen!
    Much more!

    Last update: Sat, Dec 10th, 2005

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  8. Who runs the shard? Who is the staff?

    The shard was started and is run by long-time vets from the EasyUO forums and community:
    WarLocke--Admin and Creator
    CEO--Admin and IT guy
    Roadkill--Admin and Code
    Nilmer--Seer and player events
    Kedrick Valorite--Code and Creativity
    Seg--Code and Bugfixing

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  9. How can I become a GM, or join the staff?

    The staff is handpicked. Don't ask us, we'll ask you.
    Things we look for:
    1. longtime involvement here at EasyUO forums
    2. Demonstrated community involvement at EasyUO via posts, time, and scripts.
    3. Facility with scripting and code, must have good stuff published in the PSL.
    4. Maturity, tact, and tolerance. We won't accept any kiddie stuff.
    5. Integrity. Goes with maturity usually.
    6. EFFORT-- you do staff-style stuff ON YOUR OWN, without asking to be on staff first, selflessly and with style. Writing FAQs, doing research and posting, running events, helping others. If you're not AT LEAST doing this kind of thing, you're not on our shortlist.
    7. If you ASK TO BE A GM, you PROBABLY ARE NOT WHAT WE WANT. Don't ask. We will.

    Last update: Sat, Dec 10th, 2005

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  10. How do I complain about something broken or different from OSI, or spawn problems?

    You DON'T. If you want to provide constructive feedback without whining, ok. To report a spawn problem, or something at a location ingame, just type this:
    and it will open up your browser to the proper thread here at EasyUO for you to make your report, and will fill out the subject line for you with the location, so staff can find it.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  11. What "commands" do I have? Are there special ones for here?

    You can see all your commands by typing 'help ingame. Notice the little ' thingy first. This will list your commands. One of them is 'password to change your password. There are some special ones also, including 'report to make a spawn problem report here at the forums easily, 'armor which will give an EasyUO #journal accessable listing of your armor totals (no more adding those nums up!), 'armorgump which gives more of the same but in a gump. You can ALSO see the "Roadkill's Armor Totalizer" gump by using your context menu over self, and selecting "Totals" at the bottom.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  12. What's up with the Context menus--colored Total Resist and "Totals"?

    We auto-add up all the resists on items and put that on their properties, colored Aqua, so you can quickly see good loot and don't have to add up props for each piece. Aren't we nice!? On your own context menu, at the bottom, is a line "Totals" which will pull up all YOUR armor/weapon totals, nicely added up for you, like Luck, SDI, HitChanceIncrease, etc..., making it so much easier to get dressed.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  13. Is there a difference between Fel and Tram here, for resources etc.?

    Yes. Most things, but not all, have double resources in Fel. Also, some quests and items are only available in Fel. We generally attempt to balance increased reward with increased risk, step 1 is placing it in Fel. Since there's not a huge amount of reds, it's pretty low risk. If you complain, you'll just look very very weak.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  14. Do staff play?

    We discourage active staff playing. However, they might.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  15. How do I get a soulstone, and is it a normal one?

    You can get a soulstone by starting the 20 second Quest at Luna Bank. Read the stone and follow it's directions. We have made the stones usable when locked down--this should keep you from unlocking it and forgetting to relock it, thus losing it. Also, the stones (as of 15 Dec 05) will replace downward pointing skills alphabetically when you try to redeem your stored skill. THIS IS EXTRA! If you aren't smart enough to figure out how to do what you want, DON'T COMPLAIN-- use your second stone to remove exactly the skills you desire in the order you desire.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  16. My house value keeps getting lower or is negative!?

    When you tweak your house, there is a charge. Even one tile is based on the full value of your house, so minor tweaks can cost a lot and make the house go into negative value. THIS makes it so you can't demolish the thing. If this happens, please page a GM from your house location asking for a demolish. We know, we are working the complex house code for this.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  17. I know this problem has been reported, why don't you FIX IT?

    Careful with this attitude...First, we will NOT rewrite the entire RunUO system, and some fixes require close to this. Second, all the staff here are volunteers and have real lives, and families, and get NOTHING in return for running a great shard but player appreciation... this attitude cuts into the only reason things exist. Third, many fixes are complex, and have bug/exploit ramifications that must be fixed too, then tested on local shards, then checked by other staff for errors, then concurred by staff, then published. It takes some time.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  18. Why is there no Tokuno? When are you going to add it, and ML?

    When RunUO OFFICIALLY supports it, and releases code to support it, we will install these. Currently they don't. You might find it loaded on some other shard, but that is the Beta test version, and a great many of the items are buggy and have to be fixed, not something we are willing to do. As for the extra land, there is no need for more land with shard population, and we do not intend on adding Tokuno before SE is fully supported.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  19. I'm new on the shard, is there a place I can get help?

    Yes. First, to get "help" learning UO, if you haven't played on EA/OSI, please don't page GMs... learning the game is YOUR responsibility! Go to and read, or just PLAY and learn, the same as everyone else ever did, THAT is a big part of what's fun in UO!
    To get help getting started, you can ask other players to lend a hand. We have a GREAT playerbase, with many of the vets from the EasyUO forums, and they will usually lend a hand to a young char who TRIES HARD. If you're lazy and demanding, you have more problems in life than UO, and deserve to get nothing.
    Lastly, if you run some sort of scam pretending to be a new player to prey on the generosity of others, you are directly hurting the shard and community, and I will ban you as soon as I become aware of it.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  20. What's the best way to make gold for new player?

    Many folks have done tailoring, or gathered resources. We have about 8 cotton fields that spawn, you can gather it and make cloth. GENERALLY, you can NOT sell a resource you gather directly to NPCs for good $$--we did this on purpose to make farming a bit harder. You must first MAKE something with the resource, and then sell THAT.
    Hunting is always a good way, as well as doing Champ Spawns. You can be GMx7 in 2 days or so, and out there hunting!
    Talk to other players in game for ideas.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  21. I want to be a good player, what should I read first so I don't ask "stupid questions" already answered?

    Good on you!
    Please read all the "stickied" threads at the top of all the Alexandria Freeshard forums here (announcements, issues/problems, lobby, trading, etc.). Then read this FAQ.
    If you don't find your answer, please use the "SEARCH" function.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  22. How do I use SEARCH to find answers to my questions, before I look lazy and dumb?

    Click the "Search" link at upper right of forum pages. Put in some good "keywords". At the lower left, in the forums to search area, select a specific forum, OR you can use the lower drop down to select ALL Alexandria forums at once.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  23. How does SKILL GAIN and STAT GAIN work here?

    Please read the sticky:

    Last update: Mon, Dec 12th, 2005

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  24. Can I do "Unattended Macroing" here? What are the rules?

    You may UM for skillgain only, but not resource gathering. Gathering resources to THEN use for skillgain doesn't count. We have long threads discussing this, please read here:
    and use SEARCH if you want more background about why it's like this.

    Last update: Mon, Dec 12th, 2005

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  25. Who PAYS for all this work? Can I help out?

    Essentially the equipment was paid for by CEO. You can donated $$, to help defray costs and pay him back, via paypal. Please read here:

    Last update: Mon, Dec 12th, 2005

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  26. What is Alexandria all about?

    Alexandria is the Official EasyUO Freeshard Project. It’s a project meant to allow players to macro freely on a shard. The shard also features script items directly pulled from the EasyUO Public Script Library – a player may choose to collect an in-game script library and have their own PSL on the front step of their house. There are also events based on both ongoing fiction, as well as quick fun monster bashing and even EasyUO Scripting competitions. One of the greatest features, however, is that upcoming changes to the game are put up to polls in the EasyUO forums – YOU decide what direction the shard heads in. Alexandria keeps the same ideals as the EasyUO forums (we prefer you not macro unattended, but attended is perfectly legit).

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  27. What does "Alexandria" mean, why the name?

    Alexandria is a name that we thought would be familiar to EasyUO users, and is named in part after Project Alexandria, the EUO Standard Subs project, and in honor of the EasyUO Public Script Library. In turn, this refers to the great library of ancient times refuted to contain the most knowledge in the world, the Library at Alexandria.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  28. Are there other FAQs to read?

    Yes, we have two other threads of consolidated knowledge:
    These were built before THIS FAQ, and we are slowly's a lot of writing :)

    Last update: Mon, Dec 12th, 2005

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  29. How does LUCK and Loot work here?

    Snicker VII has written a great treatise on this:

    Last update: Mon, Dec 12th, 2005

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  30. How do I get GM help in-game?

    You use the Help system, same as on EA, and select Other etc. until you can make a page. Please describe your problem! Don't say "is a GM on?". The pages will persist after you log out, and we can work them and answer them. If you log out and we can answer the page, we often will post an answer for you at the stick just for that:

    Last update: Mon, Dec 12th, 2005

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  31. How can I report non-spawn problems (bugs, exploits)?

    First, there is a thread for it here:
    which the staff works through. Second, you can PM WarLocke, CEO, or Roadkill. Posting in the thread is preferred so all can see it probably, and often other user comments help define our fix.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  32. Do Factions work?

    Yes. Factions are active. Not many folks in just now, but it fluctuates. Chaos/Order is another option to PvP.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  33. How many accounts and chars can I have?

    Two accounts are allowed per person, they are "autocreated" for you. If you have two people playing from the same IP, like a family or room-mates, page or PM WL, CEO, or Roadkill. Each account can have 6 chars.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  34. My husband/wife/roomie plays from this IP, but can't make accounts?

    Two accounts are allowed per person, they are "autocreated" for you. If you have two people playing from the same IP, like a family or room-mates, page or PM WL, CEO, or Roadkill. We limit accounts by IP and this takes a staff over-ride.

    Last update: Sun, Dec 11th, 2005

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  35. What client do I need? When I try to log in it says "you will be disconnected in 10 seconds.."

    We force you to have a recent client to play Lexia, this is to help ensure you don't use old exploits and that our server matches the client you have. If the current OSI/EA client is say 5.0.3d, you would need at lease client 5.0.0 to log into Lexia.

    Last update: Sun, Jan 1st, 2006

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  36. How do I update my client so I can log into Lexia?

    You can download the UO client, slightly older version, for free (legally!) at various game sites, as well as the EA/OSI site and stratics ( I think). Once you download a client, or load it from an old UO CD, then just attempt to log in to a normal EA/OSI shard. You don't have to have an account or anything. Your client will be updated to the latest client, THEN after that is done, is when you have to select your account. If you don't have one, no problem, just cancel-- you're now updated.

    Last update: Sun, Jan 1st, 2006

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  37. Why are Artifacts Cursed? I want to complain/whine about this...

    Read all of this first. Then you'll know why.

    Last update: Mon, Jan 9th, 2006

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  38. "What kinds of "camping" Doom are allowed vs. not?"

    Read the Thread.

    Last update: Tue, Jan 17th, 2006

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  39. What Champion Spawn differences are there here? How do you spawn "The Harrower" on Lexia?

    You do it just the same as on EA, except we have a few extra champ spawns where you can get the skulls, and some minor differences. First, we have a "champ gate" built by CEO which will take you directly to the spawns, sitting outside Luna (this is to help the smaller population get going). Next, we have adjusted the spawns numbers and timing to allow smaller groups of folks to do them--if you're good you can solo most.
    Second, we have added some specially built Champ Spawns such as the SeaChamp which is fought on seahorses out in the water, and the AlienChamp, and the WitchChamp, and the StaffChamp (you kill hordes of staff members). These are not always active, but usually, and they give champ skulls.
    The harrower works just like EA.
    Spawning the Harrower

    Last update: Sun, Jan 29th, 2006

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  40. What is fishing like on Lexia?

    Fishing Loot Thread

    Last update: Sun, Jan 29th, 2006

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  41. How does Lockpicking skillgain work here?

    Concerning Lockpicking and tinkered boxes

    Last update: Tue, Feb 21st, 2006

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  42. Can I sell Alexandria stuff for EA/OSI gold? Or similar marketing schemes?

    No. We do not run this shard so you can sell stuff to enable you to play another shard, create some RL $ market. If we find this we will probably delete your item.

    Last update: Thu, Feb 23rd, 2006

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  43. Tell me about Lexia Dungeon Chests

    Lexia Dungeon Chest Thread

    Last update: Wed, Mar 1st, 2006

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  44. I've been told to "read the code" to answer a do I start doing this?

    We are running the "RunUO" server. Please to to and begin reading there. From that site you can read tutorials and get answers to your questions on RunUO-- we respect their authority over their own code, and will not allow RunUO questions or extensive info to be posted here. There are many other player-run sites that are linked from, where you can get more info, again we will let the RunUO "owners" decide what outside links are appropriate, and not supply them ourselves.

    Last update: Sun, Mar 5th, 2006

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  45. Can we get above 700 skillpoints? Is there some time reward?

    We increase your total skillpoints just like EA, up to a maximum of 4 "years".. Which in Alexandria time, is 4 months. You get 5 extra skill points for each month on Alex, up to a maximum of 4 months/20 points.. So after 4 months on the shard your maximum skill points will be 720 instead of 700. This is for each character that exists for 4 months, new chars must do their time.

    Last update: Sun, Mar 12th, 2006

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  46. Taming -- what is different on Lexia? How do I train it?

    Taming on Lexia

    Last update: Sat, Apr 29th, 2006

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  47. I got FROZEN on DEATH, couldn't move when I died, had to log out and back in. Sup??

    Frozen when you die

    Last update: Fri, May 5th, 2006

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