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Developer's Reference

Table of Contents

Revision History
1. Using the Standard Subs
Script Template
I. Reference Guide
I. subs.txt 2.2.4 reference
requirePackage - Check if package match required version.
isPackageStableRelease - Check if package is stable.
isStableRelease - Check if subs package is stable.
setDefaultLinesPerCycle - Set the default linesPerCycle for the subs.
setMaxLinesPerCycle - Set the maximum linesPerCycle for the subs.
setSpeechMode - Changes the method used to use speech triggers.
setSpeechModeSay - Changes the method used to use speech triggers to say.
setSpeechModeEmote - Changes the method used to use speech triggers to emote.
setSpeechModeWhisper - Changes the method used to use speech triggers to whisper.
setSpeechModeYell - Changes the method used to use speech triggers to yell.
clickScreenXYZ - Clicks on the screen given by world coordinates (with displacement).
clickScreenPos - Clicks on the screen given by world coordinates (with displacement).
worldXYZToScreenXY - Convert 3D world coordinates to 2D screen coordinates.
checkScreenXY - Check if 2D screen coordinates are inside the gameplay area.
openContextMenu - Opens a NPC's context menu and clicks a menuitem.
openBuy - Opens the buying menu on a specific vendor.
openSell - Opens the selling menu on a specific vendor.
buy - Buys items from an open shopping list.
charMoveAway - Move the char away from the spot where it is standing.
charTurnLeft - Turns the char one left (e.i. from N to NW).
charTurnRight - Turns the char one right (e.i. from N to NE).
charTurnAround - Turns the char in the oposite direction.
charMoveForward - Move the char forward in the direction it is facing.
pathFind - Pathfind to specific 3D world coordinates.
recall - Recalls from a runebook of your choice.
openContainerAt - Opens a container at specified position on the screen.
openContainer - Opens a container in the top left corner of the screen.
bankAt - Opens the bank box at specified position on the screen.
bank - Opens bank box and waits for it to be displayed.
closeContainerAt - Closes container opened using openContainerAt or bankAt.
closeContainer - Closes container opened using openContainer or bank.
drag - Drags an item.
drop - Drops an item.
moveItemToPos - Moves an item to a specific screen position.
moveItemToContainer - Moves an item to a specific screen position.
dropOnBackPack - Drops an item on the backpack from the paperdoll
findItemInContainer - Finds an item type only present in a container (i.e. not on the ground).
findItemInSpecificContainer - Finds an item type only present in a specific container (i.e. not on the ground).
countItemsInContainer - Counts itemtypes in any container on screen.
countStacksInContainer - Counts stacks of itemtypes in any container on screen.
countItemsInSpecificContainer - Counts itemtypes in a specific container on screen.
countStacksInSpecificContainer - Counts stacks of itemtypes in a specific container on screen.
waitForSysVar - Compares a system variable to a value; returning when the comparison evaluates as true.
waitForSysVar2 - Compares a system variable to a value; returning when the comparison evaluates as true.
waitForContIDToOpen - Wait for a gump to open/get focus.
waitForContKindToClose - Wait for a gump to close/lose focus.
waitForContKindToOpen - Wait for a gump to open/get focus.
waitForContSizeToClose - Wait for a gump to close/lose focus.
waitForContSizeToOpen - Wait for a gump to open/get focus.
waitForContTypeToOpen - Wait for a gump to open/get focus.
waitForSysMsg - Waits For a Sysmessage to occur in a certain amount of time
distanceBetweenItems - Find distance between items on the ground.
findDirectionTo - Find the direction from character to something.
exp - Calculate the exponent.
max - Returns the maximum value of passed in parameters.
@max - Returns the maximum value of passed in parameters.
min - Returns the minimum value of passed in parameters.
@min - Returns the minimum value of passed in parameters.
random - Returns a random number within a given range.
setAlwaysRun - Sets alwaysrun on or off.
toggleWarMode - Toggle character War/peace mode on or off.
maximizeUO - Maximize Ultima Online window.
minimizeUO - Minimize Ultima Online window.
restoreUO - Restore Ultima Online window.
restoreCursorPos - Restore Ultima Online window.
saveCursorPos - Restores the cursor (mouse) position that was previously saved.
timerInit - Initializes timers.
timerGet - Get a timer by index.
timerSet - Set a timer by index.
wait - Wait for a minimum of 1 second between each calls to this sub.
setWaitDelay - Set the minimum time between each calls to the sub wait.
sleep - Puts easyuo to sleep, reducing CPU usage.
setArray - Set the values in a one dimensional array.
getCreatureName - Get the name of any player, npc human, or npc monster or animal.
hideItem - To hide items from the game to the client.
getContainerInfo - Retrieves the number of items and stones for a container.
getStatLock - Gets the status of a stat lock for a specified stat.
setStatLock - Gets the status of a stat lock for a specified stat.
(Internal) _init - Package initialization
(Internal) _unsignedToSigned - Change unsigned value into signed value.
(Internal) _openShop - Opens a vendor's shopping menu.
(Internal) _pathFindDist - Distance between to 3D world coordinate sets.
(Internal) _getBackpackXY -
(Internal) _getPaperdollXY -
(Internal) _getStatusBar - Gets the coordinates of the status bar for use in setStatLock and getStatLock.
(Deprecated) ensurePackageVersion - Ensures the package is of the requested version
(Deprecated) ensureVersion - Ensures the package is of the requested version
(Deprecated) getString -
(Deprecated) hide -
(Deprecated) waitAfterHide -
(Deprecated) meditate -
(Deprecated) meditateFull -
(Deprecated) checkSkillGain -
(Deprecated) ascii -
(Deprecated) chr -
(Deprecated) setMessage -
(Deprecated) sayMessage -
II. binary.txt 1.1.0 reference
castAsByte - Casts a value as an 8-bits unsigned integer.
castAsWord - Casts a value as a 16-bits unsigned integer.
castAsRGB - Casts a value as a 24-bits unsigned integer.
~ - Performs a binary NOT on a variable.
& - Performs a binary AND on two variables.
| - Performs a binary OR (bitwise inclusive) on two variables.
^ - Performs a binary XOR (bitwise exclusive) on two variables.
<< - Performs a signed binary Left Shift on a variable.
>> - Performs a signed binary Right Shift on a variable.
>>> - Performs a signed binary Right Shift on a variable.
inputHex - Converts a hexadecimal string value into a number.
inputBin - Converts a binary string value into a number.
outputHex - Converts a value into a hexadimal string.
outputBin - Converts a value into a binary string.
(Internal) _init - Package initialization
III. craft.txt 0.1.4 (alpha) reference
crafting - Uses the craft menu of any skill to make an item.
useItem - Finds and uses an item.
checkResource - Checks for a minimum of a resource in a specific container.
(Internal) _init - Package initialization
IV. setup.txt 1.1.0 reference
gamePlayWindowSize - Set UO game window size.
gamePlayWindowPos - Set UO game window position.
backpack - Places the character's mainpack.
overview - Places the overview at a specified position.
paperdoll - Places the paperdoll at a specified position.
statusBar - Places the statusbar at a specified position.
smallStatusBar - Places the small statusbar at a specified position.
ensureStatusBarOpen - Makes sure your status bar is open at a specified position.
defineStatusBarPos - Sets where you want your status bar via drag.
itemTypesString - Targets things and build a "item type string" for use with findItem.
lastSpell - Wait for a spell to be cast.
lastTarget - Bring target cursor and wait for something to be targeted.
typedLastTarget - Bring target cursor and wait for something to be targeted.
value - Let the user type a value on the keyboard and returns it.
rangedValue - Let the user type a value on the keyboard and returns it. Validates range and retries.
runebook - Allow a user to specify a Runebook without hardcoding variables.
(Internal) _init - Package initialization
V. skill.txt 1.1.0 reference
checkGain - Check for a skill gain within a certain timeframe.
hide - Use the Hiding skill if character isn't hidden.
waitAfterHide - Wait until the hiding skill timer expires.
meditate - Meditates if MANA is lower than INT.
meditateFull - Meditates if MANA is lower than INT and waits for mana to be completely regenerated.
(Internal) _init - Package initialization
VI. string.txt 1.1.0 reference
extract - Extracts a part of a string.
replace - Replaces a substring match with another string.
ascii - Get the ascii value of a specific character in.
chr - Convert a number to an ascii character
setMessage - Set a message to a variable for use with outputMessage.
outputMessage - Output a message with upper and lowercase.
split - Separates a string into pieces by breaking at a given string.
join - Concatenates an array of strings into a single string.
extractNumberBefore - Parse a string and return its numerical value.
toNumber - Parse a string and return its numerical value.
(Internal) _init - Package initialization
A. GNU Free Documentation License

List of Tables

1. Codename Alexandria Standard Subs Documentation Revision History
2. requirePackage parameters
3. isPackageStableRelease parameters
4. isStableRelease parameters
5. setDefaultLinesPerCycle parameters
6. setMaxLinesPerCycle parameters
7. setSpeechMode parameters
8. clickScreenXYZ parameters
9. clickScreenPos parameters
10. worldXYZToScreenXY parameters
11. checkScreenXY parameters
12. openContextMenu parameters
13. openBuy parameters
14. openSell parameters
15. buy parameters
16. pathFind parameters
17. recall parameters
18. openContainerAt parameters
19. openContainer parameters
20. bankAt parameters
21. bank parameters
22. closeContainerAt parameters
23. drag parameters
24. drop parameters
25. moveItemToPos parameters
26. moveItemToContainer parameters
27. dropOnBackPack parameters
28. findItemInContainer parameters
29. findItemInSpecificContainer parameters
30. countItemsInContainer parameters
31. countStacksInContainer parameters
32. countItemsInSpecificContainer parameters
33. countStacksInSpecificContainer parameters
34. waitForSysVar parameters
35. waitForSysVar2 parameters
36. waitForContIDToOpen parameters
37. waitForContKindToClose parameters
38. waitForContKindToOpen parameters
39. waitForContSizeToClose parameters
40. waitForContSizeToOpen parameters
41. waitForContTypeToOpen parameters
42. waitForSysMsg parameters
43. distanceBetweenItems parameters
44. findDirectionTo parameters
45. exp parameters
46. max parameters
47. @max parameters
48. min parameters
49. @min parameters
50. random parameters
51. setAlwaysRun parameters
52. toggleWarMode parameters
53. timerInit parameters
54. timerGet parameters
55. timerSet parameters
56. wait parameters
57. setWaitDelay parameters
58. sleep parameters
59. setArray parameters
60. getCreatureName parameters
61. hideItem parameters
62. getContainerInfo parameters
63. getStatLock parameters
64. setStatLock parameters
65. _unsignedToSigned parameters
66. _openShop parameters
67. _getBackpackXY parameters
68. _getPaperdollXY parameters
69. castAsByte parameters
70. castAsWord parameters
71. castAsRGB parameters
72. ~ parameters
73. & parameters
74. | parameters
75. ^ parameters
76. << parameters
77. >> parameters
78. >>> parameters
79. inputHex parameters
80. inputBin parameters
81. outputHex parameters
82. outputBin parameters
83. crafting parameters
84. useItem parameters
85. checkResource parameters
86. gamePlayWindowSize parameters
87. gamePlayWindowPos parameters
88. backpack parameters
89. overview parameters
90. paperdoll parameters
91. statusBar parameters
92. smallStatusBar parameters
93. ensureStatusBarOpen parameters
94. itemTypesString parameters
95. lastTarget parameters
96. typedLastTarget parameters
97. value parameters
98. rangedValue parameters
99. runebook parameters
100. checkGain parameters
101. extract parameters
102. replace parameters
103. ascii parameters
104. chr parameters
105. setMessage parameters
106. outputMessage parameters
107. split parameters
108. join parameters
109. extractNumberBefore parameters
110. toNumber parameters